What better way to have a fun glam day with a friend is there than to have your senior portraits taken together?!? Jen and Katelyn decided to do just that—and they scheduled the Style Session on location together! (Hair styling and makeup by Sara Williams). 

The day started with styling—going through each of their clothing choices and narrowing down to their top 5 fave outfits. From there, it was time for the first make up application and photo sequence. Then back for a bit more of a glam look with another make-up app, a trendy hair style! They had a fun day together with a Starbucks to top it off…

Here are a few sneak peeks from their session…so many more to proof on this one and we are looking forward to sharing their photos with them soon!

Meet Jen…and Katelyen…friends from the class of 2010!







  1. Jen.Men. says:

    Thanks Teri!!! :)

  2. Melissa Blue says:

    I think you do some of the best work in the country! Great job!

  3. Dominoe Imus says:

    And they both rocked cowboy boots!! So awesome!

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