So many moms and seniors are busy planning and prepping for parties!

Here are a few checklist items and ideas:

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(Above decor DIY instruction and resource here)

CREATE A THEME: There are lots of ways you can go on this! A) Class Spirit including your school colors B) Team Spirit, such as a favorite sport team C) This Is Your Life with lots of photos from your childhood up though Senior year; D) College Theme, using your college colors and props

BALLOON ARCH: Always a fun way to decorate the entrance into your party — using the colors from the theme you chose

PHOTO VIDEO: Use your video from your graduation senior portraits (a la, TFP!) and/or a compilation of photos through the years

INTERVIEW VIDEO: Interview family members and friends and use in the above video with photos

PLAN A PHOTO BOOTH: There are so many ideas on Pinterest for this — set up a booth at your party in a corner of the room to capture fun memories from the day!

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(Above photo display for K through 12th available here)

PHOTO CAKE: Use a favorite senior portrait photo or childhood photo for your cake; most all cake decorators offer this

CREATIVE GRAD DECORATIONS: Be sure to check out my SENIOR GRAD PARTIES board on pinterest for lots of ideas that I’ve gathered through the years!

PHOTO PLAN: Make sure someone is responsible for the photos the day of the party—you’ll want to remember all of the details but you’ll both be busy entertaining guests.

SET UP A “WORDS OF WISDOM” JAR: Have pieces of paper and pens so that guests can write words of wisdom for the graduate to read later

PERSONALIZED CANDY FAVORS: Lots of vendors offer personalized chocolates, m&ms, candies etc to hand out with the grad name and year


(Above KATE SPADE INSPIRED party favors available here)


PHOTO BOOK MARKS OR WALLETS: Have lots of extra wallets? Or want to hand out photo-book marks as favors? It’s a great “easy’ photo give-away for guests. (We offer book marks with your favorite senior photos in sets of 50)

SIGNING BOARD: Guests love to sign photo boards. Make sure there is lots of room around the photo for writing (we offer a 5×8 photo mounted on a 16×20 print with lots of white space)

SENIOR TABLE: Designate a table-top at the party that displays a “through the years” theme of photos, trophies, karate-belts, sports balls, music and/or dance recital programs, ballet shoes & photo albums, etc. This is the time to share and display the accomplishments of the graduate at the party for guests to look through. Trust me, the love looking through these things!

CANDY BUFFET: Here’s a tip, coming from a mom who did a full-on candy display at 2 grad parties: you don’t want to be stuck with all of the candy afterwards; most guests won’t stand around eating candy BUT they will take a bag of it with them if you have a box of candy bags at the buffet table. You can even personalize the bags with grad name and year. FYI! TIPS FROM ME NEXT WEEK ON DOING YOUR OWN AMAZING, THEMED CANDY BAR! I will have tips (from experience LOL) on vendors for candy, the best resources, what to do what NOT do to. We were told over and over from ALL of our guests that our party was the BEST because of our candy bar! Huge hit. Tips NEXT WEEK.

OPEN HOUSE VS. PARTY: Words of wisdom– when you name your party an “Open House”, it encourages more guests to come because most all of your friends and their families will be party-hopping. If you have a formal party, it requires an official arrival time which isn’t a bad thing, but it will discourage “drop-ins”. Open Houses work very well for grad parties due to the overwhelming number of parties there are for people to attend.








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