[decor & design l organization l scrapbooking]

warning: *studio* sounds more glamorous…but really, it’s just my creative *space*


Finally…it’s done! My wonderful, fabulous little slice of *heaven-on-earth* where I escape into my little world of…creativity.

It’s where I dream. Envision. Experiment. Create.


This teeny-tiny-little room is the hub of our family…fun. Yes, we have a fabulous, large family room. Yes, we have a huge living room. But for some reason, we all seem to end up here, in this small room!

I share this room with Don. Stick with me, and I’ll let you peek at *his* side of the room which houses his very awesome collection of Nascar die-cast and our computer, printer and scanner. He’s been very cool in allowing me to re-create my entire 1/2 of the room.


And the kids? We have always had a T.V. in this room with games hooked up to it (time limits are always applied…they have to read books a lot too!). And they love to do crafts in our *den/family-fun-room/nascar room/craft studio*. See the corner by the desk-top palm-tree? THAT is the future home of our wall-mounted miniature flat-screen T.V. That should be up soon.

As for *my space*…well, I have a fabulous 4′ x 4′ walk-in closet with 9 foot ceilings that I use for my actual storage of supplies. And I’ve always had a *desk* outside of this closet. But now? I have the awesome Pottery Barn Bradford desk collection! (thanks, Don!!!)

My closet now has the *awesome* Store-in-Style by Crop-in-Style system. These cubes are adjustable and modular, meaning, you pick the type of cube you want (ie, open space, 2 drawers, 3 drawers, 1 12×12 drawer, etc) and they mount as a unit. Thanks, AGAIN, to Donnie for assembling them!

I’m still getting used to the vertical paper storage system…I have reservations about it, but am keeping an open mind. I kept my *horizontal* paper stackers to store my plain cardstock in. I do love the fact that I can completely *organize* my papers vertically by manufacturer. That is awesome! Love it!


I’ve utilized every single nook and cranny very…practically. My space is not the prettiest space, not the largest space, not the best of the best…but it works for me and is…practical. Plus, I’ve added some pretty elements including my Pottery Barn photo ledge and pixie-lamp! And…as you know, I’m a huge believer in surrounding yourself with the best of your very favorite photography.

One last thing before you peek at my thumbnails…

Why black???


First, I love black. It’s a fabulous, classic, timeless color. And, second, remember, this is a shared room…Don is a Nascar collector/trader and this room had to fit both of us and flow with the whole *Nascar* theme (until that sad day in the future when my kids move out and we have extra rooms to each have our own space!)

Originally he wanted black and white checkered window treatments…this is our *compromise*, so to speak…the sheers are very light and airy. They let a ton of light into this already-very-light room. Looks masculine for him and chic for me, don’t you think?

This room is actually very light, with two windows…it’s supports the black without making the room seem dark or dreary…it actually tones it down a bit!

So, off you go to check out the *details* of my organization and fun *schtuff*…THANKS for looking! Click the button below…all images enlarge. Don’t forget to peek at the *other* side of the room which we’ll simply call…*Nascar Country*.


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Other storage ideas that I’ve implemented:

  • my corner desk creates a large *storage opportunity*…large black bins are stored under desk which house "paper-keepers" filled with projects-in-progress and other papers and embellishments I like to keep grouped together
  • Don (sweetie that he is) installed wire-shelving all the way to the tippy-top of my walk-in closet (9′ ceilings) to store items I want to keep, but don’t use often (great use of storage—even in a standard closet if you have one available!)
  • every *nook-n-cranny* is utilized, including the 10" between the end of my desk and the wall, which stores my camera equipment/tri-pod, etc.
  • extra 1′ of space at the *other* end of desk allowed me to find a 1′ four-drawer chest (black with brushed nickel drawer-pulls, thanks to Wall-Mart!) to store other items such as fibers, camera-cables and smaller digital equipment, larger tools like glue-gun/brayer, etc.
  • black boxes on my desk? recipe boxes (in corner by pixie-lamp and under-neath smaller window) from Target that hold index-cards (my system to keep track of supplies on layouts for submissions), floss, dymo-label, wire.
  • there is a second desk/work space in this unit; it allows for a 2nd computer if we choose to do that (which we may end up doing)…but in the meantime, it allows for more storage space in that area plus an extra work space…for the kids or Don.

Lastly, here are some awesome craft-spaces that I love looking at! (EDITED TO ADD: 2Peas in a Bucket’s server has been down…if you can’t link to these fabulous scrappin’ spaces, please check back)

Heidi’s Studio

Heidi’s new desk

Bold Red Room

Pretty and Girlie

Fabulous Room

Awesome Room

One of my FAVES!

A Scrapper’s DREAM

Hope you’ve enjoyed looking at all these extra spaces…aren’t they awesome???


  1. Carrie says:

    Your “space” looks fantastic! What a blessing, huh? You have it organized so great. You did a wonderful job! TFS!

  2. Lee says:

    Gorgeous room Teri. Wow I thought I had a lot of stuff. You are the scrapping supply queen.

  3. Helen says:

    Teri!! This room is gorgeous! so pretty! love that black!!!

  4. julie says:


    I love it. The black provides such great contrast, Now, you are ready to create!

  5. Sheila says:

    Teri – Your room is fabulous! I am “gutting” my room this weekend..purging and trying to find out what’s going to work for me…right now it’s just not working. I have a problem though…I’d love to see the other rooms you’ve mentioned, but the links are not working for me…is it me or the links?

  6. teri fode says:

    Hi Sheila…it’s the server at 2Peas that is temporarily down…I’ve added a note about that above…so sorry! They are saying their server should be up soon…please check back because these rooms are FABULOUS! Teri :)

  7. Terra says:

    Perfect room Terri. I am so impressed how you managed to organize it all. I also loved the peek at Nascar Country. I have a 1/2 a kids room that looks a lot like that! But the boy had the checkered curtains much to his sister’s dismay! ;)

  8. Colleen says:

    Love it, Teri…the black looks fabulous!

  9. Jenn says:

    gorgeous! the black is fabulous!

  10. megan says:

    LOVE your room, Teri! I was looking forward to you posting your completed room. WOW. We have plans for a 2nd story and I wanted a scraproom for myself but I’m thrilled to see you can have a wonderfully practical, organized and functional space without it taking up a whole room. Looking forward to lots of new creative energy from you and your new space!

  11. Cosy says:

    I love your room! The black is fantastic! Thanks for posting the pictures and also the links to other room. I love seeing other peoples rooms! Have fun using your room!

  12. heidi says:

    just awesome…it turned out great!!! Can’t wait to play…

  13. Michele says:

    Teri~~ Love your space!!!!! The desk is so awesome!!! I constantly dream of my space but first I need a bigger house:) Thanks for sharing!!!


  14. Jen says:

    BEAUTIFUL ROOM! I love all of the black accents, very cool!


  15. judi says:

    Gorgeous, Teri-worth the wait to see it ;) Tell hubby the NASCAR stuff is really cool too.

  16. Chiara says:

    Man I am in deep green envy. Gorgeous room.

  17. Steph says:

    Absolutely beautiful room, Teri! I wouldn’t have thought you could do that with black – great job!

  18. doris says:

    what a great space! :D

  19. tammy says:

    Hey Teri-love your room! you are so organized! Could you do me a favor and let me know if you recently bought that Target tool box, I was just there yesterday looking for that exact same thing and didn’t see it anywhere in the home improvement/hardware section.

    And love Nascar Country-that is some car collection! My BIL would be quite jealous! He has a few nice Dale and Dale Jr. cars…

  20. Lee Anne says:

    Wow! Teri, your room is fantastic! I think I might steal your idea of the shelf with the pictures, if that’s OK. I’ve been trying to figure out how to decorate my walls and had planned on framing a bunch of B&W’s and arranging them on the wall, but I like the shelf better.

    I think I like Don’s side of the room best. :-P We’re big Nascar fans and try to get to a couple of races each year.

    Great room!

  21. Dana T. says:

    Gorgeous! Love it!

  22. ohhhh, it is FANTASTIC! Holy cow! I am so wishin’ my room was even CLOSE to this. INCREDIBLE! So this is where the magic happens, huh? LOL! Hugs!

  23. Susie says:

    Wow! I just received my CK June the other day and was wondering about those wire shelves… thanks for sharing this with your scrapbook community of readers :) I am esp. amazed my Nascar Country. Wow!

  24. Jodi says:

    Wow great space, so elegant!

  25. Sharyn says:

    WOW! I’m completely and totally envious!!

  26. Cynthia says:

    What a lucky gal you are! Gorgeous room!

  27. Shelley R. says:

    Hello? You are one super lucky lady! I am drooling and jealous. Teri this is a gorgeous space. Wow. Wish I could come and play. How fun. Enjoy it!

  28. renee says:

    this is a marvelous post, teri. i love what you’ve done with your space. i’m in the process of planning my studio redo and i’ve decided to go with black, too. thanks for all the great ideas! r.

  29. Diana says:

    Studio, space, who cares, it’s faboo! Love all your chic black furnishings. My room is a disaster right now, but you’ve inspired me to do a little dusting. enjoy!

  30. Carrie says:

    Wow – it’s amazing, Teri! I love it.

  31. Heather says:

    Amazing Space Teri…WOW! I was just looking on spaces on 2peas tonight getting some ideas for a new room and came across your room and when I looked at the name of whose it was I was really excited…too cool!!!!! LOVE IT! I am so showing this to my hubby for some ideas! :)

  32. Kip says:

    Now I know why Heidi has the silver “Sisters” in her scrappin’room!

  33. Amber Lee says:

    Hey thanks for all those links, and pictures of your room, awesome resource.

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