I suppose you can tell that I’m really being inspired to write about…inspirational things these days. Can you tell I’m feeling reflective?

I’m preparing to speak at my church tomorrow. I have to tell you—I hate to speak in front of people. I get sick to my stomach like you wouldn’t believe. I dread it, avoid it, try to get out of it every time, but somehow I seem to end up…speaking in front of people again.

It’s not something I aspire to do…really. But for some reason, it’s something I find I can’t run from. I’ve tried!

We’ve changed churches recently…we went from a church with a membership of 1500 to a very small church with a membership of somewhere (guessing) in the neighborhood of 300. At our last church, I was a Superintendent, in charge of speaking on inspirational messages prior to the sermon in front of the congregation. It was up to me to choose the topic, and I struggled with "stage-fright" every single time. I would try to get out of my turn but never seemed to manage it.

So when we changed churches, I thought "aha! No more speaking! I won’t breathe a word to ANYONE about what I did at the last church! This time I’ll get involved "behind the scenes" and serve in a *quiet* role at church."

Funny thing. You can’t run from God. Remember Jonah? Tried to run away from God and couldn’t hide? Ended up in the belly of a great fish for 3 days and 3 nights?

I felt like Jonah…especially the night the Pastor at the new church called and said "Teri, we would love to have you involved at our church in the role of…Superintendent, speaking on topics of inspiration…".


And the strange thing is, and how do I say this humbly…as much as I *hate* and *fear* speaking in front of large groups of people, it’s a gift that God has given me that He somehow won’t let me escape.

As much as I fear it, the minute I start speaking, the fear drains away and something takes over and I just seem to…become someone who seems to love to speak in front of large groups of people!!! It’s so very strange.

So what in the world am I getting at? I don’t even know. Except that it’s 10:54pm the night before another "speech" and I’m…sick to my stomach…again. Ugh.

My topic?


I’ve learned something very, very important the past few weeks: the most important role we have in this life is learning to truly and simply…

serve others.

To be a servant, you have to have a certain mental attitude. And to God, our attitudes matter more than our achievements or finanical successes.

I was driving to work the other day and I was thinking to myself, "why have I chosen to be in a new role at a company I’ve worked at as a manager for so many years? Why would anyone in their right mind *love* "going backwards" in their career, as in stepping down from a management role to a role of simply covering people on the vacations? And why am I even *in* this role? What’s this all about? I chose this role…I wanted this role…what’s it all about?"

And then it hit me.

In the simplification of my work-life, God is teaching me the most important *role* I have yet to learn…

What it’s like to truly *serve* others. What it’s like to humble yourself and become a previous employee’s…assistant. What it’s like to no longer be considered a "player" in a large corporation. Giving up your title, your status, the respect of those that now think your crazy. The humbleness of becoming "less important" somehow in a company that stresses financial success and numbers and market share. What it’s like to know the true meaning of…Servanthood beyond customer care.

God often tests our hearts by asking us to serve in ways we aren’t comfortable serving.

In "The Purpose Driven Life", Rick Warren states "The world defines greatness in terms of power, possessions, prestige, and position. If you can demand service from others, you’ve arrived. In our self-serving culture with its ‘me-first’ mentality, acting like a servant is not a popular concept…but God determines your greatness by how many people you serve, which in contrary to the worlds idea of greatness."

Thousands of books have been written on leadership…but few on Servanthood. Why? Because a book on "servanthood" simply wouldn’t sell in our society! People don’t typically strive to be servants—they strive to be leaders.

I called Don that morning on the cell, and said "I get it. I really get it Don. This is beyond my photography business. This is beyond achieving an end goal. This is more than moving into a role that facilitates retiring from a company ultimately to run my photography business full time…although God willing, all of that will happen. It’s about learning to truly understand the meaning of…serving others. And now I know what I’m going to talk about at church this weekend…servanthood!"

So…here I sit. Now it’s 11:10 and I’m still formulating how I’m going to translate what’s in my heart and in my head to yet another group of people…

Yes, this is a photography blog. Yes, it’s a blog about my photography business. But in the end, I’ve chosen to share the "person behind the photography business and blog". Someone (an acquaintence—see definition in previous post) recently said "I wonder what people would think if they knew the person behind the blog!".

Well…I’m an imperfect person, striving to be perfect but falling short daily. I fail but ask God to pick me back up. I sin, but ask God to forgive and am so grateful that He does. I’m passionate about what I believe in and the things and people I love. I’m reflective about a lot of things in life. I’m compelled to translate what I *see* in the hearts of others through artistic images called photographs.


I’m simply a servant. In the eyes of God, I’m simply here to serve Him in whatever capacity He sees fit. And right now, He sees fit to scoot me up on to yet another *stage*…to speak about it all. Please say a prayer for me. I’m sick to my stomach…again.

When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. "Do you understand what I have done for you?" he asked them. "You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them." John 13:12-17 NIV.



  1. bree says:

    i’m not a christian, so to speak. definitely not a religious person. but you always make me WANT to be one. you inspire me to think about life different. you make me want to be A SERVANT! thanks for this beautiful message. b.

  2. bree says:

    ps: another perfect picture! i love your pictures!

  3. Melissa says:

    Teri – I knew that you couldn’t make this blog *only* about beautiful photographs, creative process and artful inspiratation – you are who you are and I am SOOOOOOOO glad that you were feeling “reflective” – although I think that a part of you was missing the wonderful blessing that comes with sharing your faith to all who visit you here. That’s what drew me here in the first place. Yeah! So, so, so so glad you’re back!!!!! ;)

    P.S. BEEEEEautiful picture! I want steps like that!

  4. Linda J says:

    You are an amazing woman Teri, and have touched my life in so many ways. My prayers are with you as you ready yourself to deliver the message that God has inspired you to speak. How fortunate the people will be that are there to hear you. :)

  5. Sandra says:

    I’ve read your blog for months and especially love the messages of faith. You are an inspiring encouraging writer and I believe it’s your calling together with your photography! I’ve never posted before but wanted to tell you how much you inspire me. Sandra

  6. Tricia says:

    I am so moved. My prayers are with you.

  7. Maria says:

    Your words always, always inspire me, as you know. Thank you for sharing this very inspirational entry. I think of you as a Godly person who has a very important mission: to inspire and share the message through words, pictures and art.

    I have already read the Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren and it just simply transformed my life and way of thinking. In fact, I have been making a “tra-digi” album based on the 40 days of this book. I made a digital layout for each day and then I printed each digi page into a 6×6 and transformed it (traditionally scrapped) into a two-12 by 12 page layout. So far, I’m all done with the 40 day digi pages and I’m up to day 20 in the tra-digi style layouts. I realized that when your spiritual direction is in the right place, it takes over and becomes the most important thing in your life. Since scrapbooking is part of who I am, it was only logical that I would want to scrapbook about my faith. I’m getting ready for church now, but it was a great surprise this morning to see your updated blog in my bloglines, I had to stop by and say hi.

    My sister’s wedding is coming up next weekend, yippee! Getting ready for that as well.

  8. kandace says:

    so inspiring and so moving! by now you’ve spoken and i’m sure it was wonderful. thanks for your words. you are so real and raw! i love your blog.

  9. Tawnya says:

    Remember way back when I first started this whole blogging world and you and I felt we had a “connection”… wow.. I so miss that. I asked you to be my spiritual mentor.. you said you would but we werent really sure where to start.. gosh almighty… I have so fallen short in so many ways.. I am in tears.. your blog, your words, your love for Christ is just amazing! I want that “fire” within my heart to be bold and loving and real like you. You have touched me and my life is so many ways — actions are so hard.. your words prove to me that actions do fulfill our destiny if we just act on them. You are one gifted lady. Truly, I am humbled each and every time I read your blog. If there were only more people like you out there to pick people like me up from laying around on the floor (hypothically speaking) I can only imagine how different people would be.. how different I would be. I want to be different. I want to be a servant. I am trying to find my calling. Gosh I would love to talk more. You have left me speechless…. thank you from the bottom of my heart. Love, Tawnya

  10. Matthew Lydy says:

    Great post! I’m in a very similar situation. I recently stepped down in my role as supervisor to go back to being just a “normal” worker. Everybody thought I was crazy. God and I had converstation after converstation before he finally spoke to me and gave me an answer that made sense. His answer was “It doesn’t matter what you do, I am always with you.” The next day I went and told my supervisor that I am stepping down.

    Now I’m happier in my role and I continue to ask God to guide me in my photography business and hope that it is his will that we will be successful and can pursue this experience full time.

    Anyway I loved reading your post it was very inspriational!

  11. Mimi says:

    So inspired by your love for Christ! I always love reading your blog entries and being inspired by your wonderful photos.. and your faith. God has given you an incredible talent! Thanks for the reminder that we are humble servants of God!

  12. Tautchia says:

    this is the first time i have read your blog. i love that you are sharing your faith and allowing yourself to be transparent. the comment from Bree brought such emotion… that she is not a Christian, but you make her WANT to be one.
    THAT is what being a follower of Christ is all about. sharing & being real so that others may be drawn to Him. awesome.

    and so funny that God just has a way of “busting you out” (that’s what we call it at Vineyard) when He doesn’t let you run away & hide from His will for you.
    Isn’t it so much better that you know there is no way at all you could do it on your own? That is He doesn’t show up when it’s time for you to speak that it would all fall to pieces. I think it is His way of keeping us humble. If we could do it on our own, why would we depend on Him?
    BTW – your photography leaves me speechless. What an amazing gift.

  13. Such a wonderful post Teri and so wonderful to see your thoughts and more importantly your heart! You are an amazing person and such a blessing to so many in whatever you do! ;)

  14. an impressed reader says:

    simply…wow. you are gifted by GOD to share your words with others…HIS words with others. i’m truly, completely moved. enough to post. and i DON’T post on these types formats. ever.


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