from me to you…(yes, you)!

So…here we are…Christmas Eve Eve, as we call it in our house…and I’m up to my elbows in Christmas paper, bows, ribbons, scotch tape and tissue paper.

I’ve been off all week, and it’s been a fun week. Prepping for Christmas, shopping, eating out during shopping trips (yes, I’ve been eating a few naughty things…but hey, it’s the holidays and all in the name of moderation, remember? More about that later…).

I had grandiose plans of emailing each and every one of you, those that have posted to my blog over this past year, and wishing you a very Merry Christmas personally. But time slipped away, and here I am, with one day to spare. Great plans gone awry. But it’s the thought that counts, right?

I sifted through my emails this week, catching up on pages and pages of emails from you…I sure hope I didn’t miss anyone…lots of fun questions, wonderful comments, unbelievable testimonies that you’ve shared along the way. Thank you so much for that. I give God the glory for the wonderful emails that you send my way and nice things you’ve said about me…really. He gets the credit. Without Him, I am nothing.

So, seeing as how my plan to email each and every person that has ever posted on my blog in the past year has somehow eluded me, I’m taking a "Christmas present-wrapping break" to wish each and every one of you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS (I refuse to say "Happy Holidays" as so many are trying to get us to say these days…after all, this holiday was created to celebrate the BIRTH OF CHRIST)…a Christmas that is simply filled with…love.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the rush of it all…the Christmas tree, the decorations, the wrapping and trim, the shopping, the "I want this" list, the meal planning, the family gatherings and figuring out where to go and how to divide our family holiday time…etc.

At the base of it all, it’s really just about one simple, very important, very significant thing.


May this holiday season be Christ centered for each of you…may we all remember that the true meaning of Christmas is to "Love More"…

The origin of:

CHRIST = "love"

MAS = "more"

Love More.

Merry Christmas.


  1. Susan says:

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Linda J says:

    Teri – reading your blog has brought me so much joy this year — thank you and I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas.

  3. Teri – You are so fabulous and someone I do consider a friend, even though we’ve never met!!!

    MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    “…behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to ALL people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

    Luke 2:10-11

  4. Becky Olsen says:

    What a beautiful post!
    Thanks for the wonderful reminder of what the reason for the season is! Who of us doesn’t need to love more and have more of Christ’s love in our lives?
    Merry Christmas!

  5. Sarah says:

    Thank you, Teri. And Merry Christmas to you too. You have been a blessing to me (and so many others, it seems) through your faith, boldness, creativity and writing ability.


  6. Kim Sonksen says:

    And a very Merry Christmas to you and your family too.

    You have been such an inspiration for me during the last year and I would love to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this, your amazing blog!

  7. AMY B. says:



  8. julie says:

    Merry Christmas Teri,

    Enjoy this wonderful weekend.

    Merry Christmas to Don, Tori, Jordan and Toby Mac, too.

    Much love,


  9. Maria says:


  10. Alette says:

    Wishing you and Don, Tori and Jordan a very Merry Christmas, with lots of love and happiness. Hope you have a wonderful time together. “Talk” to you soon.
    Lots of love

  11. Kristyann says:

    A very Merry Christmas to you. I look forward to another year of all your wonderful stories and photographs. They are such an inspiration and I learn so much about so many thing when I drop by and read your blog.

  12. heidi z says:

    I love that song…first time I heard it…I cried, and cried…

    Merry Chistmas (eve gift)…Ha!!!

    Beautiful pix…

  13. Merry Christmas girl! I am so glad we have gotten closer over this past year. You are one amazing lady. I am blessed to know you. and your talent is like no other. You will do wonderful in your photography business.

    Hope to chat soon!

    God bless you and your family today and always!

  14. Kirsten says:

    Teri, what a gift you are! You silly, while I’m sure we’d all love a personal e-mail from you, you have many more important things to do. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  15. Jen says:

    Merry Merry Christmas! I hope you had a wonderful day and reveled in the wonder and joy of Christ’s birth. I look forward to another year of sharing in your life- you are truly a wonderful inspiration and I thank you for opening your life and heart to so many people. May God truly bless you this coming year.

  16. Kimberlyg says:

    MERRY CHRISTmas Teri! Looking back over this past year…one of the things I am so very thankful for is finding your blog and getting to know you more! You have taught me so much…and I absolutely love how through all that you are, you keep yourself Christ centered…and share it with others. I hope your day was blessed and filled JOY my friend.

  17. Yvette says:

    Hello! Mele Kalikimaka and happy new year! It is so true what you said about GOD gets his credits and without him and JESUS, we are nothing! Without family, my life mean nothing and I pray to thank God daily that he takes really good care of us. He is very faithful and he put up with all of us. By the way, love your pictures and you are such a talented photographer! I would love to receive a personal comment from you on my blog and know that you saw my Christmas family picture: go and see…it’s for everyone and YES, YOU go ahead and check out =-) be safe during new year! And blesses!

  18. Beth-Ann says:

    I just love how you point to God in such a significant, beautiful, non-threatening, loving way.

    Thank you for that! This post was just magnificent.


  19. Love the pictures of your tree Teri! I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas! DOn’t worry about e-mails….I already know you love me! LOL!!!

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