[inspiration l music]

warning: our eyes and ears lead to our hearts…

I’ve received so many wonderful, inspirational emails from many of you over the past few weeks…lots of you have actually gone out and purchased CD’s after hearing songs I’ve shared here. And many of you are enjoying music you already know and love.


Where do I find this music? Well…literally, from a site that offers these tunes for free. But that’s not my point.

Dh actually (at my request and his sweet agreement to do so) went through every single song on the site listed to weed through the secular music and find me the music that we have in our music library at home (Dh has somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 Contemporary Christian CD’s).

I don’t recognize the Artist’s names as well as he does. It’s funny because I’ll say "okay, who sings that song that goes like this…" and I butcher a perfectly good song with my attempt to re-create the song I’m looking for.

So…thanks to my dear hubby for finding "the songs that go like this…" for my site. And thank *you* for listening and enjoying and emailing me about it!

WHY do *we* only listen to contemporary Christian music? We believe God was serious when he said to guard our hearts…and He later connects the eyes and the ears to the heart. In other words…He’s telling us that *become* like what we look at and listen to.

What we look at with our EYES (television, magazines, reading materials, movies, videos, games) and what we listen to with our EARS (music, TV, movies, videos, people we hang out with/associate with) affects our HEARTS…

And our HEARTS are the basis of who we are and how we love…or don’t love. Our HEARTS are what He wants most. Because that’s where *change* starts.

Just sharing because I was asked and thought it might be of interest as to *why* we listen to the music we listen to.

Have a GREAT day!  :)


  1. Lori says:

    Reminds me of the little children’s song “Oh be careful little ears what you hear…” which is SO true.

  2. Melissa says:

    Love the music, Love your site. Thanks for keeping it pure and real!!! :)

  3. Alette says:

    To be really honest I’m not a christian. Wasn’t brought that way, and I almost say, sorry to say. I believe, on my own way that is, and I just love the music you share with us. Just because I’m not a christian doesn’t mean I don’t understand the meaning of the music. I love music, all kinds of music, including the music you share. Thank you for sharing Teri.

    Hugs Alette

  4. Amanda E. says:

    I used to do the same thing. And boy did I noticed a difference in my attitude and how I treated others. Every now and then, I’d like to be that girl again. But I think I’m a bit tainted now. :-)

  5. pamMc says:

    While I do not listen exclusively to Christian music, I do love what you have on your site. I also listen to classical music and selected contemporary music.
    How lucky your children are to have parents who are so involved in filtering what they see and hear.

  6. Jodi says:

    Ok wait….your man went through and picked out all the music you listen to on hotcodez??? Does that really happen? I too almost listen exclusively to only christian music. My most favorite place to be is in the presence of God. And worship music takes me there. Sure I love being with my family, but in the presence of God….no other feeling like it. Music has that power, even secular music. Keep being real I like you that way!

  7. Jennifer says:


    While I don’t listen exclusively to Christian music I am very careful about what I do listen to. (hey..gotta have my Tony Bennett!) :) Nickel Creek and Alison Krauss and Union Station are other favorites. :) Anyway, I digress…just had to say again how much I love reading your blog. I always smile when I click on your name, knowing that I’ll love what I see and read. You aren’t “in your face” but are REAL and live it. Love that.


  8. Pink says:

    Some days the music just brings tears to my eyes. It’s such a wonderful expression and such an incredible gift the Father has given us. How creative He is!

    Thanks for caring and thanks for sharing it with us!

  9. Carrie says:

    Hi Teri! Its been a long while since I’ve read your BLOG! (busy busy busy) You always have such inspirational and uplifting nuggets to share! May you be blessed today

  10. Heather says:

    We are the same way with our music Teri and have quite the collection! And I can never remember who sings them either…just that I like them and always have to ask Steve to help me rememeber…LOL! Again…thanks for being an inspiration!

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